An inside look at how BIGBET makes the BIG $$ not past posting......


Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
He is trying to flame because he stuck his nose into a situation that became a bit overboard as appeared and he had no business involved.

Dante and I had a misunderstanding earlier this evening. He starts by coming into thread in RR, then starts a thread in offshore asking Dante about how he managed to piss "someone" off, then starts two similar threads with this nonsense.

Therefore, I have asked why he sometimes past posts about him backing +300 dogs fading Yankees when dog was up big late in game or final score was determined.

Also, being the total ass he insists on being, he is has to continue throwing darts at me. Arsehole accused me of being Norega until Wil and others said not so, then played it off as only joking.

BB, if as sharp as rumor has you to be, why not in contests here? Why not give us small timers a few crumbs to make a shekel or two during the season? You will probably use excuse that contest is only for chump change or some other lame excuse.

Real reason is that he has ego size of the North Pole and in denial that he may have a bad day or week here and there. BB, in case you didnt know already, we all have losing days and sometimes longer.

BB, if you are winning big dollars...congrats. If not, life goes on. Regardless, throwing darts at me proves nothing for you have flamed enough that I am not alone in doubting some of your action.

Savant even mentioned in the other thread you have in offshore about why dont you share some of your plays with the forum.

Take care.

Rx Wizard
Sep 21, 2004

BB was just trying to pull off a joke--he was gonna scan his dad's $3 parlay pool (which he helped fill out) and post it here as his plays. I told him to do it, we both thought it would be funny. Unfortuntely, he didnt have the technical ability to pull it off and the mods didn't get his thread deleted in time. That's all, no big deal.


"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
i believe bigbet DOES in fact enter contests and he actually WON one of the contests where you have a shot at $20k!!!!!!!!! i think he chose the free $2500!!!!!!! however, you are correct, he past posts with the best of 'em....although if he is not selling picks, who cares?

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